Baby Carrier for Plus Sizes
If you are shopping for a baby carrier you might run into some difficulties when you are plus size. All our bodies are different and whether you are large or small, a baby carrier needs to be comfortable and secure.
Whilst searching through buckle carriers, you may have found that many aren't plus-size-friendly. But, you are in luck! Our MiniMeis baby carrier is suitable for all sizes, including plus sizes.

MiniMeis carriers fit plus size parents
You no longer need to worry whether the carrier will be a comfortable fit for your body. Although different types of carriers are available, they all come with adjustable shoulder straps. Simply adjust the shoulder and chest straps to what feels best for you.
Are more adjustments needed?
You can order extension straps to make sure you will be able to use our MiniMeis comfortably. Extension straps increase the chest width from 122 cm / 47 in (standard) to 160cm / 63 in(Plus-Size). Please add the straps from this page to your cart when ordering your carrier.

Adjusting is easy!
When using the MiniMeis baby carrier as a plus-size dad (or mom) you may need to make some adjustments. The carrier is designed for dads of any size but can be used by both.
When you have a large chest area you can tighten the side straps firmly and leave the chest strap untightened. This way you should be able to use the MiniMeis comfortably without a waist belt.
However, if this is still not the case, you can release the chest strap altogether. The two side straps must remain connected and tight. See also our StartGuide for a video tutorial.

How to choose the best baby carrier for plus-size parents
Most baby carriers are ‘one size fits all’ but we all know this is not always the case, and you might struggle to find the right carrier for you. We advise you to always keep two questions in mind while shopping for a baby carrier as a plus-size mom or dad.
First question to ask yourself is: will this carrier offer me comfort, and second, does this carrier match my lifestyle?
If you are an active parent who likes to go outside and explore, goes for walks often (for leisure or to walk the dog) or if you want to use a carrier to bring your baby to daycare, the MiniMeis carrier is the right carrier for you. It’s comfortable, adventurous and offers hands-free carrying.

Explore without limitations
The MiniMeis shoulder carrier is a carrier that benefits the whole family. It’s a perfect way for dads, moms, and kids to explore their neighborhood or a fun activity. At home or on holiday!
After all, MiniMeis is designed so that families get to spend (more) quality time together. We guarantee you that you and your baby will love our carrier.

The benefits of the MiniMeis baby carrier for plus sizes
Curious about which benefits the MiniMeis has for you and your child? The MiniMeis has made a significant difference in countless lives. It gives parents their freedom back and makes family outings fun instead of stressful. These are plus-size parents' favorite features of the baby carrier:
Quality of the material
The sturdy material is durable and can take the weight of children up to 4 years old.
Adjustable straps with a wide range
Not everyone is the same size. Whilst someone might want to tighten the straps, others might feel more comfortable with looser straps. All straps are adjustable, for you and your child!
Strap extensions are available
If the straps don't extend enough to comfortably fit your body type, you can opt for an extension strap. These are specifically designed for the MiniMeis carrier and are easy to attach.
Secure carrier for children
The MiniMeis carrier is unique in the way your little one is strapped in. Their body and shoulders are secured with straps, as is the case with many baby-wearing carriers. But the MiniMeis also straps your little ones' ankles in. This prevents them from wiggling out of their harness when they're 2 meters from the ground.
Hands-free carrying
We understand that as a parent, you are busy. Having to take your child somewhere isn't as relaxing and fun as you thought it would be. With the MiniMeis you have your hands completely free without having your toddler running around. The easiest way to get things done!
Lasts you for years to come
The MiniMeis is designed for daily use and fits children from 6 months of age up until 4 years. This means the baby carrier lasts you for multiple years!

Order your brand-new MiniMeis today!